
RanFab 4.1 Change log

CutQuote and RanFab customer self-signup

For those that have CutQuote integration with RanFab, you can now include the option to allow your customers to signup for the online quotes service without an invitation. Simply add a hyperlink with the address below to your login page, and customers will be able to signup on their own the same way as they would have replied to an invitation.


For CutQuote and RanFab users using CutQuote who wish to embed a custom login form into their webpage or any other website, you need to do the following:

1. Use the code below to insert the login page in the body of your webpage
2. If you wish to remove the Automatic account creating link or change the logo on the form you can do so by editing the logon page in your preferred HTML editor

AirCall Integration

Sample URL to be used for setting up the webhook in AirCall : https://serverName/RanFab/request.awac?domain=BusinessSpaceName

Show Work Items where a specific spare part or consumable has been used

Full history for allocations and usage of a spare part as a work item in parts and assemblies

RanFab Dropbox integration

Useful especially for the CAD integrations where RanFab is cloud based. Follow the procedure below to enable it.

1. Navigate to the URL below and click Create app

2. Enter the details in the next screen. Note the APP Key and Secret and also generate a token by pressing on the Generate button. You redirect URL should be something like:


3. Return to your RanFab System3 Settings and define the Import and Export directory for the CAD integration as shown

4.Expand the DropBox Integration and paste in your App Key, Secret and Token recorded at step 2

Automatic delivery cost calculation for nested parts

RanFab subscription service

As of version 4.1, RanFab is available as a subscription service. You can find more details on our web page. The hardware on which RanFab will be hosted for our clients is specifically selected to be the most value for money while delivering blistering performance. All maintenance, updates and backups are handled as part of the subscription service, and we provide very attractive billing cycle options to minimise costs even further.

Customer Part No added to assemblies.
Added Status to the products grid
Added weight and surface area to weight-based cutting cost calculation

BOM Automation with allocations and purchasing & BOM demand report

Follow the instructions in the video below to learn how to automatically handle all your BOM jobs with automatic inventory allocations and job completion, followed by automatic purchasing, inventory creation , allocation and job completion. Furthermore, we have added a BOM demand report showing your current and future position against all your BOM items.

Grouped job processing for clocking in multiple jobs on a work centre at the same time -  painting, for instance

Jobs with common execution criteria can now be executed in a group and timed as a group of jobs. Once the total time is found RanFab will allocate pro-rate times for each job in the group.

New Communication interface for all contacts with timeline history

Integrated timeline view for all contacts communication with built-in telephony

New Support / Self Help interface

Built-in Support articles with videos, live chat and support tickets

CAD Importer Update

The importer has been updated to include click select and drag select for fast part selection and extraction. Zoom and Pan has also been made default behaviour.