
Renewal Costs associated with RanFab

The renewal/maintenance policy for the purchased version is outlined below :

  • Upon purchasing a licence/s, you will be entitled to 12 months of access to all versions released during that time and the support portal with the knowledge base.

  • Before the first 12 months, you need to renew this access.

  • Maintenance updates are compulsory and recommended. The software will lose full functionality if you do not renew your licence.

  • 1. Sign up for a maintenance plan currently at 20 % of the licence cost, which will re-enable access to updates and the support portal for 12 months. This needs to take place before the expiration date of your original purchase. ( effectively, this is an 80% discount on your initial investment)

  • Current support costs:

Support and training are charged in 15-minute increments at USD 149 per hour for active licences and USD 600 for inactive licenses.